Our Core Values
Core Values are deeply held beliefs which help guide Christian leadership in their behavior and decision making. Core Values form the culture of the church. In reliance upon God’s power and the authority of His Word, the Bethany Baptist Church embraces the following Core Values: We Value… God’s Empowering Presence God Exalting Worship Spiritual Development Learning and Growing in Community A Commitment to Loving, Caring Relationships An Outward Focus: evangelism, social/economic and missions Stewardship and Generosity |
Bethany was organized as a congregation in 1926 under the leadership of Reverend Mack T. Williams. Bethany has been blessed to have four Pastors serve the congregation prior to Reverend Dr. Stephen Rowan. The Pastors were Reverend Robert M. Caver in 1928; Reverend McCarthy Southerland in 1954; and Reverend Dr. A. T. Rowan, in 1964. In September,1998, Reverend Dr. A.T. Rowan, retired after 35 years of demonstratively, dynamic, visionary and innovative pastoral leadership. On February 8, 2000, Reverend Dr. A.T. Rowan was called from labor to reward. On February 14, 1999, Bethany elected its current pastor, the Reverend Dr. Stephen Rowan. He was formally installed on April 11, 1999. Pastor Rowan has been a member for almost 60 years, and has served in the capacity of Associate Minister, Church Administrator, Sunday School Teacher, Trustee, Director of the Male Chorus and Church Musician. His earthly father, the late Reverend Dr. A.T. Rowan, Pastor Emeritus, was his confidant, inspiration and role model. Pastor Rowan continues the tradition of instituting dynamic programs and new ministries at Bethany. Under his leadership, Bethany has established additional new ministries. As directed by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Rowan continues to lead us in the new millennium in a newly renovated Sanctuary that was completed in December, 2005. We are thankful for the heritage of our Founders and all who have labored before us; those in the present and those who will follow us to build a greater Bethany. May we continue this rich tradition to preserve and promote Christian values to be “God’s People, Doing God’s Business, God’s Way" MINISTERIAL STAFF Reverend Dr. Stephen Rowan, Senior Pastor Associate Ministers: Reverend Rashad Alaji Minister Miguel Booker Reverend Louis Cook Reverend Michael Fordham Reverend Stephanie McHenry Reverend Deborah Rutledge Reverend Sheila Turner CHURCH STAFF POSITIONS Assistant to the Pastor Church Secretary Youth Minister Facilities Manager Financial Systems Administrative Support |